Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling picture
September 25, 2022

16th Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling

Luke 16:19-31 More than twenty years ago, I traveled to Fes’, Morocco, for the World Sacred Music Festival.  The heart

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Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling picture
May 15, 2022

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling

John 13:31-35 It was our first winter in Minnesota.  It was January, Martin Luther King Day to be exact, and

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Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling picture
July 18, 2021

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 The Japanese call it shinrin yoku:  forest bathing.  Florence Williams, a journalist who writes about the connection

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February 21, 2021

First Sunday in Lent, Pastor Kathryn Ostlie

A few weeks ago, I was meeting with a patient who was in the hospital with complications related to long-term

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August 16, 2020

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Javen Swanson

Today’s scripture readings: Psalm 67; Matthew 15:21-28 The best scene (in my humble opinion) in my favorite TV show of

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March 22, 2020

Fourth Sunday in Lent, Pastor Javen Swanson

Today’s scripture readings: Psalm 23; John 9:1-41 Every morning this week, since our gym has been closed, Oby and I

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