Caring Ministries

Gloria Dei’s mission is to be  “a caring, healing and welcoming” community. Need help – we are here for you! Want to help others – there is a place for you! Contact Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

We also have an on-site Lutheran Social Services counselor available. Read more.

Caring and Healing Ministries at Gloria Dei

Gloria Dei members reach out with God’s love and compassion to provide comfort and companionship to members of the congregation who can’t get to worship on Sundays. Our Visitation Ministers also extend Christ’s table to those who are homebound by bringing communion–one way that we remind ourselves that our community extends to those who are unable to be with us on Sunday mornings.

We are always looking for more Visitation Ministers. Contact the church office to learn more.

Prayer Teams are available in the chapel during communion distribution on the second Sunday of the month. Persons seeking healing prayer approach the prayer team and express their prayer concern. The team then prays for the person and anoints the person with oil. Laying on of hands and anointing with oil become the outward signs of God’s desire for all of us to be whole and well. Prayer requests remain confidential or the seeker of prayer can ask that a pastor be informed. Contact our Parish Nurse if you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Team Ministry. It is a powerful, moving ministry.

Care and the love of knitting (and crochet) have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings and prayers are knitted into each shawl.

All knitters are welcome to join us the first Thursday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m., in the Gallery (lower level) for coffee, conversation and knitting. If you would like a prayer shawl, would like to volunteer or would like to learn more contact our Parish Nurse.

We invite you to join us in making quilts from donated fabric to give to various children, teen and adult organizations. Join us for fun and fellowship! Meet weekly on Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon at the church, with coffee at 10:30 a.m. No sewing skills necessary; everyone welcome.

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

Volunteers and staff work together to promote Gloria Dei Lutheran Church as a “safe place” to discuss substance use and abuse, addiction and related issues. Hope in Recovery volunteers help organize an annual recovery worship service and other educational opportunities for youth and adults. Hope in Recovery volunteers are also available to talk to anyone who seeks non-professional support and help with resources.

Contact our Parish Nurse to volunteer, for support and to connect with others for support and information.

Other local resources include:

Gloria Dei is a welcoming community of believers that cares about those who experience mental and emotional challenges. Read our Mental Health Minutes on various mental health topics.

The Mental Health Ministry Team plans educational events and brings resources to Gloria Dei about practices and life styles to promote emotional and mental well-being, and to increase understanding of mental health disorders. This team meets monthly and plans educational events during the program year; new members are welcome.

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, with questions or to volunteer.

The Grief Support Team reaches out to members of Gloria Dei experiencing grief, through cards (made by the card ministry) and by phone calls, emails or visits. We are not grief counselors but can point to further resources if needed. We will listen non-judgmentally and will walk with on the grief journey. We provide prayer shawls (made by the Prayerful Knitters) to wrap around the person grieving as a sign of God’s presence and the congregation’s care.

We would love to have you join in doing this important work.

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

Center for Grief Loss and Transition, 1133 Grand Ave St Paul. (651) 641-0177

Mount Olivet Counseling Service, Mpls

Funeral Homes and Health Networks often have grief counseling services.

Lutheran Social Services 612-879-5320

Google Capitol City Grief Coalition for meeting times and places nearby

The Post-Hospitalization Support Team reaches out to members of Gloria Dei who have recently been hospitalized to check on needs they may have, offer some meals made by the Food Ministry, and provide some caring contact from the Gloria Dei congregation. We bring prayer shawls (made by the Prayerful Knitters) as a sign of God’s Presence and the congregation’s prayers.

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

This group of volunteers puts together packets at Easter and Christmas and arranges for volunteers to deliver the packets (and flower at Easter).

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

Come together to make hand-made greeting cards for the Gloria Dei community including our home-bound members. Different themes chosen each month.

To find out when the next gathering will be, contact: Heidi Isaacson

No creative skills necessary! Everything is pre-designed and pre-cut so all you have to do is come in and stamp/assemble.

Cards are also available for purchase $3 each or 4 for $10.

A volunteer sends cards to home-bound members on various holidays.

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

Volunteers prepare and deliver meals to members who have recently been hospitalized or have had a death in the family.

Contact our Parish Nurse for support, questions and to volunteer.

Gloria Dei has a ministry for the new children who come into our congregational family. Children arrive into our families in different ways, at different ages and aren’t always the first. We would love to help welcome your new child into your life and our church with some love and meals. Please contact the Parish Nurse if you or another member you know is expecting a child to arrive into their family.

Contact our Parish Nurse.