Children’s Ministry Volunteer Opportunities

When you share your passion and gifts with children, you learn with kids, you grow your faith, and you become integrated into the Gloria Dei community. Getting involved helps you to prioritize your own regular attendance. You also model to children the value you place on commitment to your faith. Besides, it is a lot of fun!

There are many ways to be involved with Children’s Ministry, from singing or teaching, building relationships or gathering supplies, organizing service projects or setting out coffee and toys. The most important aspect of volunteering is doing something that brings joy! Joyful service is serving from the heart and uses your interests and gifts.

Our policies regarding working with children at Gloria Dei

Register to Volunteer.

Children’s Ministry Sunday programming runs from September through May during the Education Hour, 9:30 – 10:30 am. Gloria Dei requires all volunteers over 18 years to have a background check and to participate in a child safety program.

Read the following volunteer opportunities and find what sparks your interest!

Java with Junior Co-host; set out and put away play materials, coffee, and name tags for this open gym gathering of parents with children under 36 months. Java with Junior meets whenever there is Sunday School during the Education Hour, 9:30 – 10:30 am in the nursery.

Music leader for elementary children; lead 10 minutes of singing with children grades 1 -4 each Sunday as well as music for the Christmas program; 9:30 – 9:45 am weekly, 9:30 – 10:30 am middle of November to Christmas, or possibly share with a co-leader; playing guitar or piano accompaniment is helpful

Teacher for preschool children; teach a traditional classroom with one or two other adults in your team; lesson plans provided

Youth assistant for preschool children; help children to know they belong, have friends, and have fun at Sunday School

Gather and Distribute Preschool lesson materials; gather and distribute materials (usually from our supply room) to three preschool classrooms each week before Sunday; lesson plans with supply lists provided

Teacher for elementary children; teach one lesson using a method you enjoy (drama, art, baking, film, science, history, etc.) 3 to 4 weeks, to a different grade each week, one or more times a year; lesson plans provided

Guide for elementary children; accompany, not teach, a small group of children through their lessons each week; adults or youth assist with activities and provide friendship and stability

Prepare lesson resources; cut, paste, design, or shop for materials

5th and 6th Grade (GAPP) small group leader; lead a small group of tweens (grades 5 and 6) in discussions and activities, provide friendship and stability, but do not teach

Substitute teacher, guide, or small group leader; as needed

Assist at Christmas with preparing for Children’s Program

Assist with planning and leading service projects; as needed

Vacation Bible School team; meet 3-4 times from January through June to plan and organize Vacation Bible School; as the VBS week nears, work as a team to prepare teachers, gather resources, sort supplies, and ready the church for an exciting week!

Register to Volunteer.

Thank you for considering using your time and energy to fulfill the promise the people of Gloria Dei made at baptism, to nurture the faith of our children. Questions? Please contact the Children’s Ministry Director by phone 651-699-1378, ext. 3021 or by email.