Capital Improvements & Building Upkeep

This is the third year of our rain gardens. You may have noticed blackened ground in and around the south rain garden this spring. This was a scheduled burn of the prairie area. The burn helps the plants reseed and stimulates new growth. Watch the developments is this part of our property.


Projects around the building continue, using funds approved in the Capital budget at the February annual meetings.

In 2018, these projects included:
• Purchasing and installing a new telephone system, replacing phones that were over 20 years old.
• Replacing three electrical panels that were part of the original building.
• Replacing doors to the storage area at the north end of the building. These were also original to the building.
• Performing some roof maintenance, including adding some new hooks at the north and south parking lot entrances to help control snow slides from the roof.
• Purchasing and installing a new outdoor sign, which has given us capability for changing messages. This is an attractive addition to our property, replacing an old sign and banners giving worship times.
• Completing a major boiler repair.

Projects are still being finalized for 2019, but will include:
• A new table for the Gathering Place.
• A reserve for unanticipated large capital expenses, such as the boiler repair in 2018.
• A designation for architects fees for planning stages of the sanctuary redesign.

In addition, the Facilities Team is working with the Caring for Creation Team to add organics recycling to our recycling efforts. Look for some new containers as the spring and summer progress.

Together, we continue to make Gloria Dei a safe and welcoming place for our congregation and community to gather.