
At Gloria Dei we believe we are called to respond to the gospel by advocating for changes in systems and policies that keep people on the margins. Working in coalition with several different organizations and other congregations, we lobby legislators and other policy-makers to support proposals that would alleviate poverty and advance equality.

Advocacy Outreach Programs

ISAIAH is a faith-based, non-racial, state-wide, nonpartisan coalition of more than 100 member congregations that lets communities in Minnesota more effectively live out their faith in biblical justice and the common good. By uniting local congregations in a large regional organization, ISAIAH strengthens the ability of people of faith to to address both local and regional community issues, including sprawl, affordable housing, transportation, and racial inequity.

Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota advocates for justice in the areas of hunger, poverty, and care of God’s creation, by speaking with and for those who have little or no political power. LA-MN is one of 11 state public policy offices of the ELCA.

The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC) is the largest and most inclusive interfaith public interest group in Minnesota—people of diverse faiths bringing vision and wisdom to the public realm for the well-being of Minnesotans. JRLC is authorized and governed by four sponsoring members: the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the Minnesota Council of Churches, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, and the Islamic Center of Minnesota. JRLC influences Minnesota legislation in many policy arenas and hosts an annual lobby day, Day on the Hill.

Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s leaders to end hunger at home and abroad. Gloria Dei participates in an annual “Offering of Letters” to our representatives in Congress advocating for legislation that confronts the problem of hunger.

Racial Justice Committee

Gloria Dei’s Racial Justice Committee develops a strategic plan and coordinates Gloria Dei’s activities in support of racial justice and equality.
Click here to view a timeline of the Committee’s work.