A Note from Council President Scott Karli




May 2022

At the May Council meeting, Pastors Lois and Javen installed the new Council members. In the fall, we hope to an installation during worship. The Council made appointments to positions as follows:

– Scott Karli, Ben Finkelstein and Sarah Erkinnen to Gifts, Grants and Memorials (GGM).

– Julie Orman to the Nominations Committee.

– Cathy Sedacca to the Investment Committee.

Committees gave their updates, and we reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. We remain within budget for both giving and expenses. Staff and leadership are paying attention to the current inflation rates we’re all experiencing and their potential impact on the budget.

June 5 is the re-entry to the Sanctuary for worship. We discussed a celebratory reception for that day after both services (summer worship schedule). Julie Orman took the lead on planning.

We discussed the Synod’s “Planting Hope” campaign. Gloria Dei’s goal is to contribute $50,000. Part of the campaign will support a therapeutic preschool on Saint Paul’s East Side. LSSMN pioneered the Families Together Preschool in Frogtown designed for students who have experienced trauma, violence or extreme poverty. The Frogtown preschool has been extremely successful and LSSMN hopes to replicate it with this East Side preschool.

The council and staff completed Intercultural Development Inventory earlier this year, and received their assessments. We discussed next steps for council and staff as we continue to carve a path toward increased cultural competency. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact me.

Thank you all for your ongoing support.
