Instructions to Access Zoom

Worship online with Gloria Dei on Zoom (printable PDF version)

You can use Zoom without a Zoom account.

Your device (computer, phone, tablet) and operating system, and other factors will affect your Zoom experience, including how you access it for the first time.

The instructions below are general, based on some experiences. The most important thing to do is click the link Gloria Dei provides, by email and on our website, and follow the instructions you see on your screen.

If this is your first time on Zoom, you may need to complete these steps, or a variation of them.

  1. Sunday morning click the Zoom link we emailed you (or on our website) to join our 9:30 a.m., Central time, worship service.
  2. On the next screen, choose the Zoom app and open link.
  3. If it’s your first time in Zoom, it will instruct you to download and run Zoom.
  4. Click the orange Zoom box on the bottom right of your screen.
  5. Click Yes on the prompt that says, Allow app to make changes.
  6. When that’s done, you’ll see a screen where you enter your email address and your name/initials.
  7. Click Join webinar and wait for it to start. (It may take a few minutes because many of us try to join at the same time.)
  8. You can adjust the volume with your computer’s controls.

Next time, you should be able to just click on the Zoom link for the worship service, enter your email address and your name/initials, and click Join webinar.

Zoom video conference service allows attendees to see and hear our pastors and music staff lead us in worship. They cannot hear or see us during worship.

Phone (Audio Only) Option

For an audio only option, from your phone dial 1-312-626-6799. Follow the prompts and enter the Webinar ID number that Gloria Dei provided for each service.