January 8, 2025
Epiphany Sunday, Pastor Jodi Houge, January 5, 2025
Matthew 2: 1-12 This is story for dreamers and star gazers and travelers. It’s a story for anyone who feels
Matthew 2: 1-12 This is story for dreamers and star gazers and travelers. It’s a story for anyone who feels
Mark 1:4-11 + Baptism of Jesus + January 7, 2024 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church + Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling We
Matthew 21:23-32 There are some questions that are best not to answer: Mom, who is your favorite, me or my
This morning, we used the lessons appointed for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Jesus’ words to look at the birds of
Matthew 5:13-20 Grace and peace to you in the mercy of the Living God. AMEN. “You are the salt
Matthew 5:1-12 What would success look like? This has been the open question since the replacement of the organ and
John 1:29-42 In 2011, Minnesota astronomer Parke Kunkle innocently stated in an interview that the Earth’s wobbly orbit means it’s
Luke 6:27-38 There may be no other portion of scripture that we ignore more than this one. Whenever we go
Luke 5:1-11 Last Sunday, we were in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. It was 75 degrees that day I found
John 2:1-11 When I was in graduate school, I waited tables at a restaurant that had a banquet room that