January 12, 2025
Baptism of Jesus, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
Luke 3-15-17, 21-22 I had a plan. The winnowing fork had captured my imagination. I wanted to walk to the
Luke 3-15-17, 21-22 I had a plan. The winnowing fork had captured my imagination. I wanted to walk to the
Luke 21:25-36 + First Sunday of Advent + December 1, 2024+ Gloria Dei Lutheran Church + Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
Mark 13:1-8 + Pentecost 26 + November 17, 2024 Alleluia. Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia! That’s a
John 11:32-44 + All Saints’ Sunday + November 3, 2024 On Friday morning, saints from this congregation gathered in this
Mark 8:27-38 Weight Watchers meets in our building several times per week. One morning this week, I arrived when they
Mark 7-1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Uffda, that was something to read! This is probably one of those passages that causes people
Beloved Ones, the Body of Christ, I heard it first at a Presbyterian worship conference. For seven days, every celebration
Mark 6;30-34, 53-56 Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile. It’s perfect verse for the
Mark 2:23-3:6 A few weeks ago, I started with an embodied practice. Let’s do it again. I invite all of
Mark 16:1-8 + Easter Day + March 31, 2024 In our house, with two pastors under one roof, both planning