
Due to COVID-19, some groups may not be meeting. Watch eNews or contact the church office to confirm. Gloria Dei abounds with fellowship opportunities for adults. We invite you to attend a social gathering or lend your creative skills to connect deeper to the church community and build lasting friendships.

Gloria Dei offers a rich variety of Resources for faith formation that are available to all. Enjoy the art gallery and library in the lower level, the labyrinth in the courtyard, and the Third Chapter activities and resources.

Fellowship and Service

Young Adults
20-30 "something" adults gather each month for a social (or volunteer) activity. To receive updates on our events, contact us or click here.

Women of Gloria Dei
33rd Saint Paul Area Synodical Women's Organization Convention, Saturday, July 16. Make plans to attend.
Learn more and register

Read the latest news from the Saint Paul Area Synod related to Women of the ELCA.
Spring 2022.
Winter 2021-22.
Fall 2021.

Men of Gloria Dei
Contact John Stendahl for details. The Men of Gloria Dei Book Group typically meets the first Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. year-round. For our current list of books or to learn more, click here.

Third Chapter - Spirituality as We Age
Our Third Chapter ministry helps us explore spirituality as we age. It takes many forms, including workshops, adult forums, book studies, and retreats on a wide range of topics.

Creativity and Service

Due to COVID-19, not all groups meet in our building yet. If you have questions about where a group meets, please contact the church office to learn more.

Faith-Science Study Group
How do people of faith make sense of scientific discoveries? How does the scientific community interact with spiritual truths and understandings? Can science and faith dialogue prove to be healthy and positive? Join us as we talk about science from a faith perspective. Contact Ronald Felt to learn more.

Card Making
Come together to make hand-made greeting cards for the Gloria Dei Community including our home-bound members. Monthly Gatherings on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Heidi Isaacson

Prayerful Knitters
All knitters are welcome to join us the first Thursday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. for conversation and knitting. Prayer shawls created by this group are given to members of our congregation who are in need of comfort or solace. If you would like a prayer shawl, would like to volunteer or would like to learn more contact Jill Stewart, Parish Nurse.

Join us in making quilts from donated fabric to give to various children, teen and adult organizations. No experience necessary. Join us for fun and fellowship! Contact Jill Stewart, Parish Nurse, for support, questions and to volunteer.

Adults at Gloria Dei are also active in many Caring and Hearing Ministries as well. To learn about more click here.

