
Confirmation is a journey towards publicly affirming our baptism.

Join us for Confirmation starting September 20, 2023!

For Confirmation, our entire church rallies together to support students in grades 7-10. We meet during the school year in small groups on Wednesday nights (from 6:30-7:30) with loving adult leaders after hearing the staff and pastors present concepts on Lutheran living in the large group setting. Students publicly affirm their baptism in a rite of passage in the spring of their 10th grade year.

We offer Confirmation ministry as a gift to the church. Though we do not require a program fee, please know that your generosity in stewardship to Gloria Dei supports the ministry in many ways and your donations towards the youth ministry are always deeply appreciated.

9th Grade Mentor information and registration

Our four-year Scope and Sequence is currently being updated

The Learning Experience
Retreats and Milestones
Acolyte Ministry & Worship leading