No Bible School Offered This Summer

We will not be able to hold Vacation Bible School 2023 this summer at Gloria Dei due to a volunteer shortage. This decision was made in part because we have so many amazing and dedicated Children’s Ministry volunteers at Gloria Dei. If your child is in Sunday School you know that we have not once had to cancel any class these past years. In the height of COVID, we would have multiple teachers call in sick each week and we were amazed by how many people would step in to help at the last minute. What we heard from many of our regular volunteers for Sunday School, past VBS leaders and teachers within our church is that they are feeling the effects of being “back to normal” this year and are needing time to rest and reset this summer. We hear that decision and support it with our whole hearts! Saying no is sometimes the best thing we can do. We know when volunteers feel ready, prepared and rested, they serve with noticeable satisfaction.


We are excited to announce that 38 kids and teens are going to Camp Wapo this summer. This helps us know that our children are engaged in faith formation outside the church walls.

Planning is underway to create events for children and their families for this summer now that we know VBS won’t take place. If you have suggestions of events or activities that we should plan please contact Kyrstin Schwartz.


We are sorry to share this news as we know many of you were looking forward to the return of VBS. If you were counting on VBS for a childcare need June 19-23 and need a replacement please contact Kyrstin for a list of ideas for other local programming available that week.