Join us on Fall Kickoff Sunday, September 11

The 2022-23 Gloria Dei program year will get rolling with Fall Kickoff on Sunday, Sept. 11. It will be the final week of summer service times of 8:15 and 10 a.m. At 11 a.m. the festivities will move outside for a potluck meal, live music, petting zoo and a ministries fair.

We need volunteers! Can you help? Help is needed with setting up beforehand and tearing down afterward, facilitating the potluck, and assisting with various activities.  Click here to join the team that helps us make this day a success. Many positions are available and everyone can help.

It’s a potluck!  Bring your choice of a side dish or dessert to share. Potluck items may be left in the church kitchen the morning of the celebration. Our menu will also include pulled pork sandwiches from Adam’s Soul to Go (restaurant operated by our building supervisor Clayton’s brother-in-law!) for a suggested donation of $5 per plate.

At the Ministries Fair you’ll have the chance to learn about many of Gloria Dei’s opportunities for service, learning, growth, and connection. We hope you’ll take the time to learn about ways to get involved.

Contribute to the Weekend Backpack Program — bring beef sticks and individual pudding cups to add to the weekly backpacks, helping feed the children at Highland Elementary.  (See more information here.)