Thoughts from the Water Tower: Faces of Grace The month of May will be the final Water Tower rotation of the year – Faces of Grace. Faith FormationFamiliesNews
Longer days and the hope of spring Pastor Lois reflects upon the fact that the gift of spring will come, even if many of the signs of it are still hidden. Adult Faith FormationFaith FormationNews
Stop! Look ! Listen! Read! Mental Health Awareness Month The Mental Health Ministry team of Gloria Dei encourages members to think about their own lives, as well as the lives of those around them. mental healthNews
Guiding Principles: Question 1 How will you engage worship so that it becomes more meaningful and relevant in your life? AdultFaith FormationFamiliesNewsWorship
Pastor Bradley Gives Invocation for Minnesota State of the State Address On March 14, 2018, Pastor Bradley prayed at the Joint Session of the Minnesota legislature for Governor Dayton’s final State of the State Address. NewsPrayer
Maundy Thursday Community Meal and Worship Using an ancient liturgy from the second century, we’ll gather at tables in another room to sing and hear lessons. The night is designed to create a community of conversation AdultChildrenFaith FormationFamiliesLentNewsWorship
Thoughts from the Water Tower: March Rotation for 1st – 4th Graders A criminal says: “God loves me even though I did wrong.” ChildrenFaith FormationFamiliesLentNews
Pastor Bradley Responds to Sunday’s Protester We’re proud of our mission and we want everyone to know about what Jesus is doing here. Adult Faith FormationFaith FormationmissionNews
Art Installation Veils the Chancel for Lent 2018 It’s an old tradition to veil the cross during Lent or for the two weeks before Easter… Adult Faith FormationArtBuildingLentNewsRacial JusticeWorship
Children’s Experiences for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week Gloria Dei invites children and young families to Children’s Experiences crafted uniquely for them… ChildrenFaith FormationLentNews