February 9, 2025
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany+Pastor Jodi Houge
Luke 5: 1-11 Last Sunday, we were gathered in the vestry going over the game plan for worship. There were
Luke 5: 1-11 Last Sunday, we were gathered in the vestry going over the game plan for worship. There were
Mark 12:38-44 It’s been a week, church. Good job showing up here today. That took effort and intention and courage.
Matthew 14:13-21 On Tuesday evening, it seemed like a simple project. Clean up the branches that had fallen on the
Matthew 28:16-20 Last week, I spent three days in Greek Orthodox monasteries at Mt. Athos, Greece. The peninsula, which juts
Luke 15:1-10 This fall tradition of gathering to kick off the program year hasn’t exactly been the same for the
John 12:1-8 I went to bed too early on Sunday night. I missed the most dramatic moment of the Oscars
Luke 5:1-11 Last Sunday, we were in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. It was 75 degrees that day I found
John 2:1-11 When I was in graduate school, I waited tables at a restaurant that had a banquet room that
Luke 6:20-31 Brene’ Brown, who calls herself a researcher and storyteller, wondered about people who seemed to live with joy
Luke 17:11-19 This is the banner that was given to Gloria Dei by the congregation of Kalingapasi in the Iringa