December 22, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Pastor Jodi Houge
Luke 1: 39-45 (46-55)+Fourth Sunday of Advent+December 22, 2024+Gloria Dei Lutheran Church+Pastor Jodi Houge Today we have the part
Luke 1: 39-45 (46-55)+Fourth Sunday of Advent+December 22, 2024+Gloria Dei Lutheran Church+Pastor Jodi Houge Today we have the part
Dear Friends in Christ, God’s grace and peace be with you. Amen There’s a point in many full-term pregnancies, when
Luke 10:38-42 Let’s set one thing aside: this is not a text only for women. We don’t assume stories about
Acts 1:1-11 In 1990, I traveled to the Holy Land with two professors from seminary. I vaguely remember the holy sites
Luke 5:1-11 On Wednesday this week, I grumbled as I drove to Minnetonka on snowy streets, the GPS taking me
Luke 1:57-66, 80 Six years ago, this Sunday, I was presiding at worship for the very first time at Gloria