May 31, 2020
Day of Pentecost, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
John 20:19-33 + Acts 2:1-21 Dear Friends in Christ, First let’s simply say his name: George Floyd. (Show picture of
John 20:19-33 + Acts 2:1-21 Dear Friends in Christ, First let’s simply say his name: George Floyd. (Show picture of
John 14:15-21 Mark Ralls, a United Methodist Pastor, was trying to visit a member in a senior care facility. As
Luke 25:13-35 Alleluia! Christ is risen. Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia. Dear Friends, I’ve enjoyed all the pictures of baking
Matthew 28:1-10 There are four writers in the Bible who tell the story of Easter morning. None of them are
Matthew 4:1-11 The story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness has a game show quality to it. It’s so neatly
Luke 2:22-40 Tomorrow is the 68th anniversary of when this sanctuary was dedicated. In the last year, as we have
John 1:35-51 Sisters and brothers in Christ, grace and peace to you from God our Creator and from the One
Matthew 3:1-7 When my family moved from Ft. Wayne, Indiana to Cincinnati, Ohio, we made one trip to visit before
Matthew 2:1-12 Merry 12th day of Christmas! And Happy Epiphany! Thank you, Pastor Bradley, for inviting me to share the
Luke 2:1-20 A recent study caught my eye. A British telecom firm decided to make a correlation between the role