May 7, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
John 14:1-14 Jazz began on Congo square in New Orleans in the early 1800’s. Africans who had been enslaved and
John 14:1-14 Jazz began on Congo square in New Orleans in the early 1800’s. Africans who had been enslaved and
Matthew 3:1-12 The charge, “You brood of vipers,” is really what the United States and Iran threw back at each
Today’s scripture readings: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Psalm 126; John 1:6-8, 19-28 Each Friday evening for the past several months, PBS Newshour has
John 20:19-33 + Acts 2:1-21 Dear Friends in Christ, First let’s simply say his name: George Floyd. (Show picture of
Matthew 4:1-11 The story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness has a game show quality to it. It’s so neatly
Luke 21:5-19 Do you remember Chicken Little–or Henny Penny as she is sometimes called? “The sky is falling. The sky
Matthew 2:1-12 I started my year with the return of Mary Poppins. Not a bad way to begin with its
Luke 2:1-20 Vera grew up on a farm in western Iowa in the 1920’s and 30’s. She was one of
Luke 21:25-36 The language of this gospel text is cryptic, shocking, apocalyptic. But it was common in Jesus’ time among
John 18:33-39 I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. Just like St. Paul, it’s an old city with established neighborhoods. Each