December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent Pastor Jodi Houge
Luke 3: 1-6+Second Sunday of Advent+December 8, 2024+Gloria Dei Lutheran Church+Pastor Jodi Houge (Pic of Nick #1) This is
Luke 3: 1-6+Second Sunday of Advent+December 8, 2024+Gloria Dei Lutheran Church+Pastor Jodi Houge (Pic of Nick #1) This is
Matthew 3:1-12 The charge, “You brood of vipers,” is really what the United States and Iran threw back at each
Luke 16:19-31 More than twenty years ago, I traveled to Fes’, Morocco, for the World Sacred Music Festival. The heart
Dearly Beloved, I’ve always felt bad for C-3PO, the human-like android in the Star Wars universe. R2D2, the other droid,
Matthew 3:1-12 When seven us traveled to Tanzania in September, we spent the weekend with a congregation in a village
Luke 15:1-10 When I worked in the chapel office at Emory University, I was asked to lead a trip of
Luke 13:1-9 A pastor friend mine works with a church secretary who she describes as having “an amazing ability to
Luke 3:7-18 I can be an Advent purist. When I look to buy Christmas cards, I want ones that have more
Luke 21:25-36 The language of this gospel text is cryptic, shocking, apocalyptic. But it was common in Jesus’ time among
Mark 12:38-44 Let’s just put it right out there. It’s a rough day to have a chair up front and