March 21, 2021
Fifth Sunday in Lent, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
John 12:20-33 Dearly Beloved, There’s a lot packed into these verses, worth an entire Bible study. These are Jesus’ last
John 12:20-33 Dearly Beloved, There’s a lot packed into these verses, worth an entire Bible study. These are Jesus’ last
Matthew 21:23-32 Maybe you’ve heard about the marshmallow design challenge. It’s a teamwork and design exercise. Groups are given 20
Jeremiah 20:7-13 + Matthew 10:24-39 Every now and then, there’s a child that comes up for the children’s sermon who
John 20:19-33 + Acts 2:1-21 Dear Friends in Christ, First let’s simply say his name: George Floyd. (Show picture of
Luke 2:22-40 Tomorrow is the 68th anniversary of when this sanctuary was dedicated. In the last year, as we have
Matthew 3:1-7 When my family moved from Ft. Wayne, Indiana to Cincinnati, Ohio, we made one trip to visit before
Luke 6:20-31 Brene’ Brown, who calls herself a researcher and storyteller, wondered about people who seemed to live with joy
Luke 8:26-39 Unfortunately, the fourth-grade orchestra at Colerain Elementary school isn’t much different than the rest of the world. For
Acts 9:36-43 The quilters gather every Thursday morning downstairs in Room 100. If I stop in during their coffee break,
John 18:33-39 I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. Just like St. Paul, it’s an old city with established neighborhoods. Each