May 15, 2022
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
John 13:31-35 It was our first winter in Minnesota. It was January, Martin Luther King Day to be exact, and
John 13:31-35 It was our first winter in Minnesota. It was January, Martin Luther King Day to be exact, and
John 12:1-8 I went to bed too early on Sunday night. I missed the most dramatic moment of the Oscars
Luke 13:1-9 When I was in my first call, a young man in his senior year of college decided he
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 I have a confession to make. A few weeks ago, I told many of you that I
Luke 6:27-38 There may be no other portion of scripture that we ignore more than this one. Whenever we go
Luke 5:1-11 Last Sunday, we were in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. It was 75 degrees that day I found
John 2:1-11 When I was in graduate school, I waited tables at a restaurant that had a banquet room that
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 I wonder if anyone saw the dove or heard the voice. In Luke’s telling of the baptismal
Luke 1:39-55 I want to come back to the snakes. Last week, we heard John the Baptist call his listeners
Luke 3:1-6 + Advent 2 + December 5, 2021 + Gloria Dei Lutheran Church + Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling This