December 8, 2019
Second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling
Matthew 3:1-12 When seven us traveled to Tanzania in September, we spent the weekend with a congregation in a village
Matthew 3:1-12 When seven us traveled to Tanzania in September, we spent the weekend with a congregation in a village
Luke 21:5-19 Do you remember Chicken Little–or Henny Penny as she is sometimes called? “The sky is falling. The sky
Luke 6:20-31 Brene’ Brown, who calls herself a researcher and storyteller, wondered about people who seemed to live with joy
Luke 17:11-19 This is the banner that was given to Gloria Dei by the congregation of Kalingapasi in the Iringa
Luke 15:1-10 When I worked in the chapel office at Emory University, I was asked to lead a trip of
Luke 14:25-33 Nice gospel text, huh? Fortunately for us, there are all kinds of ways to sand down the rough
Luke 12:49-52 In their book on leadership, Ed O’Mally and Amanda Cebula, write that people are either thermometers or thermostats.
Ephesians 2:13-22 + Matthew 10:40-42 + August 7, 2019 + Churchwide Assembly + Milwaukee, Wisconsin Video Link If you’ve ever
Luke 11:1-13 If I were to come down the aisle, and ask someone to stand and say a prayer for
Luke 10:38-42 Let’s set one thing aside: this is not a text only for women. We don’t assume stories about