December 1, 2019
First Sunday of Advent, Pastor Javen Swanson
Read today’s scripture lesson: Matthew 24:36-44 Sermon audio coming soon If you have a millennial in your life—or even if you
Read today’s scripture lesson: Matthew 24:36-44 Sermon audio coming soon If you have a millennial in your life—or even if you
Luke 21:5-19 Do you remember Chicken Little–or Henny Penny as she is sometimes called? “The sky is falling. The sky
Luke 15:1-10 When I worked in the chapel office at Emory University, I was asked to lead a trip of
Luke 14:25-33 Nice gospel text, huh? Fortunately for us, there are all kinds of ways to sand down the rough
Luke 12:49-52 In their book on leadership, Ed O’Mally and Amanda Cebula, write that people are either thermometers or thermostats.
Luke 10:38-42 Let’s set one thing aside: this is not a text only for women. We don’t assume stories about
Talking about Israel: Justice. Self-Preservation. Compromise. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church – Sunday, March 17, 2019 / 10 Adar II 5779
Luke 21:25-36 The language of this gospel text is cryptic, shocking, apocalyptic. But it was common in Jesus’ time among
Mark 2:23-3:6 Minnesotans know how to embrace the summer. When I first moved here, it shocked me how much things
John 3:1-17 I spent this week at the Festival of Homiletics. It’s kind of a revival for preachers: some of